About Aviation Linx

The concept behind Aviation Linx is an ambitious one: one interface, the creation of a platform, connecting people in the aviation industry.

One stop, one gateway. Allowing a seamless communication between all: whether you are working or not, a recruiter or a professional service provider - Aviation Linx has the ultimate goal of becoming the one platform within our industry.

We spend a lot of time and effort going from one website to the next, looking for information, looking for our next job and asking questions. Aviation Linx can do this better, quicker, more efficiently and all in one place. Let's all get onboard, create our profiles - we will soon be adding new features such the ability to securely create a CV, recruiters will soon be able to post job adverts and search for ideal candidates.

Whilst we have been working hard to bring to you this first version, we are aware of some of the limitations, and no doubt you will be spotting mistakes and oversights. We are already working on an improved version 2 that will bring many functionalities, but we cannot think of them all, we rely on your input to make Aviation Linx the platform you need.

Please do not hesitate to contact us and give us your comments and suggestions. We thank you in advance for your feedback.